Dear Big Elk Community Members,
A few important updates:
As you know, the BEMA Board in conjunction with the VFD has been working since the flood of 2013 to fund and construct a separate office to house the administrative and operation functions for BEMA. This is critical, as the current temporary office in the firehouse is not handicapped accessible and does not fall within the allowed uses of that building on the second floor. Over the past 5 years, many ideas have been shared and explored and the Board is committed to finding a solution that best satisfies the needs of the community. At the BEMA Board meeting on Feb. 16, we will present an analysis of options for addressing this issue. We will continue gathering input from the community at a town hall meeting on Sunday March 10th at noon in the firehouse to discuss these options. The Board will then send out an official ballot and ask the community to vote on the option they believe is in the best interest of the community in March. All members are invited to attend both the meeting on Feb. 16, where the options will be presented and the town hall meeting on Sunday March 10 to ask questions and share constructive feedback.
There has been an incident of dumping of household trash in the Upper Meadow. We would like to remind everyone of the rules regarding disposing of trash, house hold items and slash.
Household trash can be placed in the compactor currently located next to the old office building and is part of the Annual Assessment. Other trash items such as old furnishings and construction materials go into the dumpster near the water tower and a slash area is available to dispose of yard waste such as tree limbs, leaves and pine needles. There is a fee for dumpster use and no charge for slash disposal. Please contact the office to schedule your access to the dumpster or slash area at: 303-835-7557. Fees for dumpster use will be paid at the time of use. Contact the Lot Maintenance Committee for assistance with slash. The new system to dispose of slash was implemented as non-compostable materials were dumped in the slash pile and created a very difficult and unsightly mess in the Upper Meadows. The new system has been put in to place to ensure this does not happen again.
Thank You
Your BEMA Board of Directors